Maryland Gov. Hogan: What Trump, local leaders did wrong in dealing with George Floyd unrest

Hogan criticized local leaders for "allowing" destruction after Floyd's death and Trump for targeting protesters

Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan spoke with Dave Anthony on the "Fox News Rundown" podcast Thursday, where he discussed what many local leaders did wrong during the recent civil unrest that transpired in the wake of George Floyd's death at the hands of a white police officer in Minneapolis.

"But I think a lot of people didn't learn the lesson and made some mistakes in this current most recent situation where they allowed a lot of destruction to continue for some cases weeks," Hogan said, comparing the recent destruction to how his administration handled the 2015 Baltimore riots.


In Hogan's upcoming memoir titled "Still Standing," he ripped former Baltimore Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake, State's Attorney Marilyn Mosby and others over their handling of the city's 2015 riots following the death of Freddie Gray in police custody.

Hogan, in his book, also critiqued former President Barack Obama for initially backing a softer approach to the riots.

"I assumed he was calling to offer federal assistance to the state of Maryland," Hogan said of the moment he got a phone call from Obama. "Boy, was I wrong. 'I’m calling to express my concern,' he continued. 'I’m concerned that your actions could potentially inflame an already tense environment. My strong advice would be that you exercise caution and restraint in the city. Because it is a volatile situation.'"


The Maryland leader said the key to stopping the 2015 Baltimore unrest versus what was seen in the wake of Floyd's death was bringing in the National Guard and stopping illegal activity right away.

"We obviously saw [violence and destruction] around the country, in Baltimore in those riots," Hogan told Anthony. "It was pretty devastating, but it only happened for one day. When I called in the National Guard on the very first day, it all stopped."

Anthony asked Hogan about President Trump's use of the National Guard and his response to the riots and looting, something Hogan was critical of.

"I don't think it was handled exactly right," Hogan said. "No, and it was a little different than the way we did it."

The governor expressed that he was "proud" of how his administration, police officers and National Guard handled the 2015 Baltimore situation and that the illegal activity only lasted one night.


Hogan criticized the recent situation saying the Trump administration "kind of moved in on the protesters."

"We went in and stopped all the violence from happening, but we did not make aggressive moves against the people that were protesting. We just stopped all people from doing the illegal activity," Hogan said.

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