Lara Trump, a Fox News contributor, argued on "Fox & Friends" on Thursday that Joe Biden should visit the southern border amid "a complete crisis" and questions if "there is a bigger reason" as to why the president has not.

LARA TRUMP: He [President Biden] is doing nothing down there. You would think … if you have a complete crisis at hand, whether it’s wildfires, whether it’s hurricanes, whether it’s mass shootings, whatever it might be, the president of the united states always goes to those areas and … talks to the local community and says, "What do you need? How can we help?"

Joe Biden is completely absent in this scenario. But, maybe there is a more sinister reason. Maybe it is because this is all purposeful. Maybe it is because they want these millions of illegal immigrants pouring into our country. Perhaps these are the future voters for the Democrat party. The United States of America is incredibly disenfranchised with what we have seen in the first eight months of the Biden presidency. So you have to ask yourself, is there a bigger reason? He hasn’t even bothered to go down there. Maybe they want it to happen.