The liberal mob against historical American symbols continues in large part because Democratic leadership like House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., and presumptive 2020 Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden have remained silent, House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., said Friday.

In an interview on "America's Newsroom" with host Sandra Smith, McCarthy said that he would like to see American citizens toppling public statues and defacing monuments held accountable and prosecuted.


"There [are] consequences for the actions they take. There are already laws on the books, but we need people to enforce them: the mayors across this country," he said. "And, if they don't, I've introduced legislation that would withhold federal money to those cities who do not."

"You cannot continue to have this happen. And, this isn't about George Floyd when you look at these statues and what they're doing," McCarthy argued, pointing to a tumultuous night in Wisconsin that turned violent when Democratic state Sen. Tim Carpenter was attacked by protesters.

"Look [at] what happened in Madison. They took down Lady [Forward]. They took down Hans -- an immigrant who died, an abolitionist who died in the civil war," he pointed out.

"But, what happened in San FranciscoSt. Serra was taken down," McCarthy added. "[Did] you know in 2015, I prayed with Pope Francis, Nancy Pelosi, and Joe Biden in front of St. Serra? But, you know who's district that's in? Nancy Pelosi’s. And, she has not said a word. Joe Biden has not said a word."

"That's why the mob continues. That’s lawlessness. We believe in the rule of law and America has to stop this portion. You have a right to protest. Floyd has a right for justice. That’s appalling what has happened to him. But, those who loot, those who tear down statues -- they should have consequences for their actions," he reiterated.

McCarthy told Smith protesters are "lawless" in the process of felling statues and that they "don't believe in a mission except for destruction."


"That’s what we must stop so we have an ability to have a change of ideas, exchange those ideas, and strive to become that more perfect union and work to make sure that America is stronger," he noted. "I am looking for individuals who want to rebuild, renew, and restore America."

"We are better than that, and I think we can rise to the occasion to do something better," McCarthy concluded.