Counselor to the president Kellyanne Conway told "Hannity" Friday that she was "all in favor" of President Trump resuming the daily briefings that were a feature of the early weeks of the coronavirus pandemic.

"The president had a 51 percent approval rating ... when he was doing the daily briefings," Conway told guest host Tammy Bruce. "They don't need to be two hours long with confrontation instead of information, with a press corps that's just berating him and trying to battle him for their own book fees and speaking fees and fame.

"But he can provide information to Americans because nobody does that quite like President Trump," Conway added.

The White House coronavirus task force held briefings almost every day between March 16 and April 24, as the coronavirus pandemic began to take hold in America. The briefings were marked by frequent sparring between Trump and members of the media.

"I think when the president provides basic information about where we are on coronavirus -- and look, he and the task force were doing it every single day when the information was devastating," Conway added. "When we had over 2,000 deaths per day, we were there -- the president was there every single day, every weekend, he was in the White House with the coronavirus task force. And all of that work that was put forward really now needs to, I believe, to be carried through.

"And I want to say this too, people do try to separate President Trump from members of his task force, including Dr. [Anthony] Fauci. They're all on the same task force. Dr. Fauci is part of the president's government now."


Conway also defend the administration's push for schools to reopen for in-person instruction this fall.

"It's a place where many of our students get their nutrition ... they get their mental health services, basic health services," Conway said. "And so all of that is so important because we can't create a pandemic within the pandemic."