Former Trump Senior Advisor Kellyanne Conway says all but a handful of Americans do not think climate should be a top priority as the President Biden considers taking executive action.

KELLYANNE CONWAY: Well, what a wildly unpopular president who's every minute of nearly 80-years-old talks about transitioning. You know that that's not going to happen. So Sean this is what's fascinating. If the president actually takes executive action as he is threatening to do, people should know what that means. It means that he has subverted the process of our elected representatives who are put there by the people. And instead, an unpopular president is basically acting alone. And it comes with tons of money that he can repurpose for these climate reasons that the vast, vast majority of Americans I mean, all but a handful of Americans do not think should be a top priority. In addition to your point about foreign dictators and their oil. You've got a lot of the climate activists asking Joe Biden to go further than his de facto moratorium on offshore drilling right now. They want him to cancel existing leases and he basically wants us to have a self-imposed moratorium on oil and gas in this country while lifting the sanctions for Iran and Venezuela. People need to know this is scary stuff. 


By the way, Joe Biden needs to know something. You don't need to be a pollster to conclude the following. If a majority of Democrats and voters of color, and women and others don't want you to run for a second term, it's because they don't like what you're doing in the first term. And so taking an issue that's mired in single digits like the climate crisis and ignoring inflation is how he earns the 19% approval rating among Hispanics. They no more want to run out and buy electric cars than they want to call themselves Latin X. If you look at all of the polls. And I don't know, Sean, why Joe Biden even tries to be woke because there's no way you can be woke if you're sound asleep.