Fox News contributor Joe Concha said Thursday Katie Couric's reputation may be permanently "tainted" after a report revealed she edited her 2016 interview with the late Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg in order to "protect" her from potentially getting canceled over negative comments about those who kneel during the national anthem.

In their conversation, Ginsburg told Couric rather forcefully that the professional athletes who had taken the lead of football quarterback Colin Kaepernick and knelt during the playing of the anthem to make a social statement were in the wrong. 

The justice said those who kneel during the anthem were showing "contempt for a government that has made it possible for their parents and grandparents to live a decent life," according to reporting by the Daily Mail.


She added that kneeling was "dumb and disrespectful." The latter comment made it into Couric's write-up of their sitdown, but not the arguably more problematic remarks made by the liberal justice. A "conflicted" Couric said she called a few of her fellow journalists to get their opinion on whether she should print or hide the controversial comments, ultimately deciding on the latter. 

"This is the least surprising thing I've seen since watching the sunrise in the East this morning," Concha said Thursday on "Outnumbered."

It was the second time in 2016 Couric was found to have edited an interview to her liking. In "Under the Gun," a documentary about gun rights, Couric asked members of the Virginia Citizens Defense League, "If there are no background checks for gun purchasers, how do you prevent felons or terrorists from purchasing a gun?" 

In the clip originally provided, the gun owners were silent for a stretch of nine seconds. In reality, however, they answered her question immediately.

"The same Katie Couric who selectively edited that gun rights documentary five years ago to make gun owners look stupid and she was eviscerated for it in some circles outside of conservative media," he added. But, he noted, she never "received any reprimand."

"When there's no accountability, guess what happens? he asked. "The Katie Courics of the world will do it again."


Her latest offense, Concha said, puts her squarely in "Dan Rather territory," meaning she's about to join the list of disgraced ex-anchors and journalists who single-handedly destroyed their careers and reputations.

Rather, the former CBS evening news anchor, infamously fell from grace and was fired by the network for unapologetically pushing a false smear campaign against President George W. Bush's wartime service.

Co-host Kayleigh McEnany said Ginsburg notoriously had an independent streak and did not need protection from the likes of Katie Couric. Co-host Emily Compagno agreed, lamenting that the late justice cannot correct the record on the matter. 

"Too little, too late and I think it's revolting," said Compagno.