Why 'Amazon addict' Karol Markowicz stopped funding Jeff Bezos
New York Post columnist explains why she quit shopping at Amazon on 'Tucker Carlson Tonight'
New York Post columnist and self-described "Amazon addict," Karol Markowicz told "Tucker Carlson Tonight" why post-pandemic priority one should be shopping in "your own neighborhood, in your own town."
MARKOWICZ: I think post-pandemic the number one thing we should do is shop locally in our communities. We've had boarded up storefronts in our neighborhoods, boarded up main streets all over the country, and I think it is our patriotic duty at this point to bring those businesses back. Amazon had a gangbusters year, they did so well. Last spring when you could not buy anything at your local store, could not go shopping for clothes, for example. Lots of people had their clothing delivered on Amazon. I think priority one has to be shopping locally, in your own neighborhood, in your own town.
I was an Amazon addict. I would shop everything on Amazon, I had boxes arriving at my door every single day. I really had to ask myself did I want to continue on with a company that was making society in a way I did not want to be. Them pulling several conservative books was sort of the last straw for me. I realized we are really going to have an issue going forward if Amazon gets to decide what we read, and of course, other things they do also really noxious to me. I made the decision to stop shopping them. Look, at 11:00 at night if my kids tell me they need glue for school and Amazon will get it to be the next day, I’ll buy it. But I decreased my spending on Amazon drastically, and I urge other people to do the same.