Janice Dean: Cuomo administration doesn't want my voice heard on NY nursing home deaths
Fox News senior meteorologist Janice Dean, whose in-laws died in New York elder care facilities from COVID-19, speaks out on 'The Brian Kilmeade Show' after being excluded from testifying in Albany.
New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo continues to be treated as a "conquering hero" despite shirking any responsibility for state nursing home deaths from coronavirus, even after a new report details how the official totals are "outright wrong," according to New York Post columnist Karol Markowicz.
Writing for The Spectator US, Markowicz noted that the Associated Press reported this week that "New York only counts residents who died on nursing home property and not those who were transported to hospitals and died there."
The report was headlined "New York’s true nursing home death toll cloaked in secrecy" and estimated that thousands more nursing home residents had died in the pandemic than the official number of a little more than 6,600.
"Why does it matter if the nursing home deaths are counted correctly?" Markowicz asked. "For one thing, if we don’t, Cuomo can shrug his shoulders and deflect blame." In the past, she noted, Cuomo had been "defiant about his mandate" that nursing homes accept coronavirus patients, deflecting blame for the deaths to "Mother Nature" and "God."
"New York was hit first, and hard, and Cuomo pretends all of his actions were the right ones," Markowicz wrote. "But the directive proves otherwise: it’s evidence of a giant mistake, one that Cuomo would rather not address."
"Any fudging of numbers is an attempt by Gov. Cuomo, and his administration, to deflect responsibility over that directive," she added. "It also allows Cuomo to continue basking in undeserved adulation. New York has suffered the brunt of coronavirus deaths, many of them needlessly, yet the governor is treated like some kind of conquering hero."
Markowicz lamented that the AP report did not have more of an impact, saying "the left" is ignoring Cuomo's shortfalls in the hope of pinning the coronavirus pandemic on President Trump.
"Sooner or later Cuomo will have to answer for what he did," Markowicz wrote. "And he won’t be able to blame ‘Mother Nature’ or ‘God’."