The "Big Sunday Show" started Sunday's show with the latest news from Canada’s Freedom Convoy trucker protest that captured attention from around the world.

Co-host Lara Trump noted that while these protests primarily emerged in Canada, reporters and pundits in the United States have been unusually critical of the protests, a contrast to the response to the racial justice protests throughout 2020.


Protesters gather at the Buffalo Peace Bridge near the U.S and Canada border.

Protesters gather at the Buffalo Peace Bridge near the U.S and Canada border. (Fox News Digital)

"Of course the media is piling on the trucker convoy. The latest ‘The New York Times’ pondering why some Canadians are asking, can’t he just ordered and the police or the army to squash the demonstrations. Ordering in the army, I wish the New York Times would have the same reaction to the summer of 2020 riots. I digress," Trump said.

Civil rights attorney and Fox News contributor Leo Terrell offered his opinion on the protests, which he referred to as "very, very peaceful." despite a dozen recorded arrests.

"I think, look at them. They are very peaceful. You are finding out that the government does not want these, what I call, very, very peaceful protesters to bring up the issue of the tyrannical government mandates. It’s all about mandates and what you see these Canadians doing has impacted the entire world," Terrell commented.

Fox News contributor Joey Jones felt confident that the protesters did their part by "sounding the alarm" on the mandate issue against a forceful American media.

Support pours in for Canadian truckers protesting Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's COVID-19 vaccine mandate

Support pours in for Canadian truckers protesting Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's COVID-19 vaccine mandate (FOX NEWS DIGITAL)

"I think something that’s important to notice here is that when we look at our own American liberal media and pundits responding to this, there is a theme here which is that fundamental principles don’t get to just be convenient. They really believe that because they being the liberal media, they think because they are so set on believing that mask mandates and vaccines are the right thing to do, that you can kind of risk or gamble principles to make that happen. They think they’re being pragmatic in that way. But the thing about principles is that they don’t get to be comfortable they just have to be consistent," Jones explained.


Trump also called out the hypocrisy shown by Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau who labeled the protesters as "hateful" despite previously praising truckers’ efforts in 2020.

"While many of us are working from home, there are others who aren’t able to do that. Like the truck drivers who are working day and night to make sure our shelves are stocked. So when you can please #thankatrucker for everything that they are doing and help them however you can," Trudeau tweeted in March 2020.

Justin Trudeau, Canadas prime minister, during a news conference from the National Capital Region in Canada on Monday, Jan. 31, 2022. 

Justin Trudeau, Canadas prime minister, during a news conference from the National Capital Region in Canada on Monday, Jan. 31, 2022.  (Adrian Wyld/The Canadian Press/Bloomberg via Getty Images)

"[H]e can’t cave because that would be the right thing. These truckers have a legitimate claim, and I want to go back to what I just said. When these truckers were out there when there was no vaccine like the firefighters, like the first responders, like the police officers, like the nurses, look how they’ve treated them now. They’re throwing them under the bus. They are throwing all of these people who risk their lives to help us now under the bus because it does not fit their agenda," Terrell said.


Fox News correspondent Aishah Hasnie added how she thinks this could affect the upcoming 2022 midterm elections. 

"I want to see what happens when these things start popping up if one heads over to the Capital, how is the state, the city going to respond to these convoys here in the United States? Because I think it will change or should change the outcome of the mid-terms coming up. People are frustrated," Hasnie said.