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America will be "stronger than ever" after it gets through the coronavirus pandemic, Judge Jeanine Pirro said in her "opening statement" Saturday night.

"I don't have all the answers, but there are four things I know for sure. Number one, we will get through this," Pirro said on "Justice with Judge Jeanine." "Remember, we're Americans born of a revolution? Fight is in our DNA. America is at her best when she's tested. She's strong, determined and has the mettle to get through anything."


Pirro also assured her viewers the economy will "roar back."

"Number two, when we get through this, we will be stronger than ever," Pirro predicted. "Economists agree that once this virus plateaus as it has in other countries, our economy will come roaring back."

The host praised President Trump for bringing people together and working with governors -- despite past adversarial relationships with some of them.

"Number three, we are finding common ground in unusual places," Pirro said. "The president has brought together former competitors to fight this together, all focused on America's common enemy. Companies and workers are volunteering, even though they're suffering financially."

"The president has brought together former competitors to fight this together, all focused on America's common enemy."

— Judge Jeanine Pirro

Pirro's fourth point involved faith and reflection, saying that as the country goes through these hard times, its sense of "purpose" has become a focus.

"Number four, we are getting close to our humanity, our faith and our purpose in life. The silence of isolation is deafening," Pirro said. "And it is forcing us to think about our purpose. We are social beings. But maybe the silver lining will be the time we have to self examine, reflect and get closer to our creator."


Pirro called on people to help those who need it before assuring people that "brightness" is coming.

"The darkness of the present will only fade as the brightness of the future is just beyond the horizon," Pirro said.