Fox News host Jeanine Pirro slammed the Biden administration for their botched drone strike in Afghanistan, calling Biden the ‘liar in chief’ Saturday on "Justice with Judge Jeanine."

JEANINE PIRRO: Tonight, the United States of America stands guilty of killing ten civilians, including an Afghan working for a U.S. aid group carrying water, who wanted to become an American citizen, along with seven innocent children. As if this fact is not tragic enough, the Biden administration lied to us and the world, claiming that by killing these so-called ISIS terrorists with their drone, they were preventing future attacks. That was a lie. 

The ramifications of their actions and the following cover-up that they all perpetuated in lockstep will forever leave a stain on America. Joe Biden, the liar in chief, his generals, Milley, McKenzie, Austin, and his clueless secretary of state Antony Blinken are the real threat to America. They have repeatedly shown both us and the world that they are incompetent, incoherent, ignorant, and capable of lying as easily as they are talking about the weather.