America is "waking up" said "Justice with Judge Jeanine" host Jeanine Pirro Saturday as she looked back at the results of this week's election. 

JEANINE PIRRO: America is waking up. Perhaps we are even woke. But forget about the wokeness you’ve heard of in recent years. The enlightening that’s happening now is bigger, greater, and will continue to create shockwaves throughout this country. In other words, a new side of the aisle is now woke. 

America is waking up. Yeah, we’re the woke ones now. You woke the sleeping giant and poked that bear in the eye. She came out of her cave with a vengeance. So you can take your progressive, racist, union-supporting, tax-sucking, American-hating, patriotic-hating agenda to the socialist countries where it belongs. It ain’t going to work here. Trust me on that.