Sen. Johnson calls for accountability of media, intelligence operatives who dismissed Hunter Biden's laptop

Johnson said he is concerned about the 'complicity in corruption of the mainstream media' related to Hunter Biden's laptop

Sen. Ron Johnson voiced concern about the "complicity in corruption" of the mainstream media, federal law enforcement and intelligence agencies related to the Hunter Biden laptop scandal on Wednesday's "Hannity." 

RON JOHNSON: It's influence peddling, it's corrupt and the fact that Joe Biden repeatedly lied that he'd never spoken to Hunter about his overseas business transactions is obviously refuted and rebutted by the fact that he has multiple photographs. You know, this is just the latest piece of evidence right here. One of the questions I have is I wonder if the Communist Chinese Party was going to task Christopher Lee with stealing our intellectual property at universities. Joe Biden has canceled the China Initiative, which is designed to investigate college students and potentially professors that are stealing our intellectual property for the better for the Communist Party in China. 

So again, you know, this is sleazy, it's corrupt. But as sleazy and corrupt as the Biden business ventures are, … I'm equally concerned about the complicity in corruption of the mainstream media and certain elements in our federal law enforcement and intelligence agencies exhibited by the fifty-one intelligence operatives that wrote that letter to get us all off the trail of Hunter Biden's laptop before the election. They should be ashamed. They should be held accountable.


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