Fox News contributor Joe Concha fired back at the mainstream media on "America's Newsroom" Monday after news outlets appeared to dismiss former President Obama's star-studded maskless birthday bash over the weekend, including one New York Times reporter calling the attendees a "sophisticated vaccinated crowd."


JOE CONCHA: By presenting this argument that the guest list is a sophisticated crowd seems to imply that the smart and responsible were going to be smart and responsible enough to take the necessary steps to avoid contracting the virus. But if you look at those photos, the smart and the sophisticated completely flaunted any concept of masking, social distancing indoors. And by the way, just because the tent was outside, Bill, it doesn't make it an outdoor event. This was an indoor event. And the CDC, it deems Dukes County, that's where Martha's Vineyard is located -- that is a high transmission area and therefore requires masks. But the president -- Obama and seemingly most of his guests ignored that while dancing inside. And by the way, if that party was so safe, if the criticism is overblown, then why did the DJ, the party who put the photos up on social media, why was he ordered to delete them? Because it may look like they're hiding something. Rules for thee, not for Ds, as in Democrats, Bill. 

Look, no mention of Obama Fest anywhere on the Sunday talk shows, either. And instead, I'm watching Chuck Todd, who will never be confused with Tim Russert on "Meet the Press," and he broached instead the Sturgis biker rally in an interview with the ubiquitous Dr. Fauci. And Fauci went off on the biker rally but didn't bring up the former president's maskless mega party. So it may lead to an increasing number of people starting to think that the doctor is seeing things through a political prism than a scientific one. Either way, our so-called leaders are not leading by example, Bill, Dana, whether that's the former President Obama, whether that's Newsom, Pelosi, Lightfoot, Bowser, countless others all caught breaking their own rules. But they don't care because they know that most of the media, they're going to provide cover instead of actual coverage.