Jim Jordan torches Biden over classified document discoveries: 'A ton of questions' need to be answered

Second batch of documents found in Biden's garage in Delaware

With the discovery of classified documents at the Penn Biden Center, many are sounding off on what appears to be unequal treatment from the Justice Department between President Biden and former President Trump. On "Fox & Friends" Thursday, Rep. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, joined the chorus of critics blasting the "obvious" double standard and demanded answers to the "tons" of questions surrounding President Biden's classified documents stash. 


JIM JORDAN: I think a ton of questions. You know, like the basic where's the raid? Where's the pictures? Where's the special counsel? What's a batch? What's that mean? We know it's more than one. So is this two documents? Is this 2,000 documents? What's the location? Why was it lawyers doing the moving from the first location. I mean, normally when we move something, you get your relatives together, you buy pizza and you get a truck and you move things. But no, they had lawyers in there packing boxes and looking at things. So I think there are tons of questions. And maybe the most important is why did they wait to tell us? And frankly, what's happened since November 2nd until January 10th, January 11th, when we learned this information. So I think there's just tons of questions we have. The press was all over this when it was President Trump. So, again, I think the double standard is obvious. And then the tons of questions I think every American has. 

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