Jesse Watters: 'We shall overcome' the coronavirus 'if we all work together'

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Jesse Watters began "Watters' World" on Saturday by delivering a message of positivity to his audience, saying he's sure America can overcome the devastation from the coronavirus.

"The United States of America is rolling into a recession or a depression. What we do now will determine which one it'll be. First, we have to stop the spread. You know what to do. Wash your hands, stay clean and practice social distancing," Watters said, reminding people of the guidelines given to keep people safe from exposure to the virus.

"If you can stay inside this week, work from home if you can. Don't fly if you don't have to. The virus is mostly in 10 large counties. A very high percentage in New York, California and Washington state," he continued. "Some of these areas recognize the threat and are shutting down everything. All of them need to do that."

Watters talked about where the country stands medically and scientifically, assuring people the "brightest" are on the case.


"All the brightest scientists in America [are] working around the clock to find a vaccine. Our people are the most innovative in the world," Watters said.

The host also addressed the president's leadership, urging him and American industry leaders to do whatever they can.

"The president should be invoking every possible law and power available to him. He should be mobilizing the military and declaring war on the coronavirus. Rally the country around the mantra 'made in America,'" Watters said. "Every American industry should have all hands on deck. This isn't a time for weakness. This is a time for strength."

"Our country's fighting an invisible enemy within our borders," Watters added. "We'll dull the spike and kill it if we all work together."


Watters expressed his optimism toward an American rebound.

"We've had to come together by staying apart. I know one thing for sure, we'll stop it and we'll kill it and we'll be a better country for it. Tough times are ahead," Watters said. "The American character shining bright, loving our families and our neighbors and working nonstop to save lives. It's now in your hands. We have a great spirit and we shall overcome."

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