Jesse Watters calls for an audit of the FBI

Watters says the FBI failed Americans, and you can't trust the agency

Fox News host Jesse Watters slammed the FBI for their mismanagement of the Larry Nassar sex abuse case, and called for an audit of the bureau Saturday on "Watters’ World."

JESSE WATTERS: The [FBI] has been corrupt for decades. J. Edgar Hoover cut deals with the Kennedys, the mob, they spied on politicians, tried to throw elections, we know that. But this week, we heard something even more disgraceful. U.S. gymnasts testifying in front of the Senate, blasting the bureau for covering up the Larry Nassar sex abuse scandal. Remember, Nassar was the USA Gymnastics doctor who sexually abused hundreds of gymnasts? Hundreds. This week, these ladies ripped the FBI for ignoring their reports for months, even years. Then lying to cover it up.

Watters’ World doesn’t want to hear any more apologies, no more suspensions without pay. We need to audit the FBI, and clean house. You can’t trust them. It’s failed us, failed innocent women and children. Cost lives and livelihoods and nobody pays a price. It’s the most incompetent and corrupt part of the entire government, and that says a lot.


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