Fox News host Jesse Watters shared statistics Tuesday challenging the acuity of America's perception of reality, saying that America is being brainwashed by the Left.

JESSE WATTERS: Have you ever miscalculated and paid the price for it? I certainly have. Maybe you drove past the gas station thinking your tank could make it just a few more miles … or you went on a family vacation and miscounted how many kids you have. … miscalculating leads to mistakes, and what happens when you make a mistake? You overcorrect. When a ref blows a pass interference call, he usually gives that team the next call to even it out. It's not fair, but he's overcorrecting, and that does change the nature of the game. It's no different than what's happening in America right now. What we see on TV, in the movies, online are making us believe things about our country that aren't true, and we're making major decisions based off perception, not reality.

A new poll by YouGov asked people what percentage of the United States is black. Their answer? Forty-one percent. We think almost half the U.S. population is African-American, and that makes sense if you consume a lot of media. But it turns out black Americans are a smaller slice of the pie than they thought. The real number: 12 percent. Only 12 percent of Americans are African-American. How about Hispanic Americans? The poll shows that we all think that 39 percent of Americans are Hispanic. Way off again, only 17 percent of the population is Hispanic. And it's not just race that we have no idea about.

Neverending Nina speaks as trans employees and allies at Netflix walkout in protest of Dave Chappelle special on October 20, 2021 in Los Angeles, California. (Photo by Rodin Eckenroth/Getty Images)

Neverending Nina speaks as trans employees and allies at Netflix walkout in protest of Dave Chappelle special on October 20, 2021 in Los Angeles, California. (Photo by Rodin Eckenroth/Getty Images)

How many transgender people do you think live in the United States? The people who took this poll estimated 21 percent of our nation's population is transgender. Twenty-one percent, a quarter of the country, is trans. That's what people think. Now are these news stories started to make sense? In reality, the number is 1 percent, 1 percent is trans. How about gay people? We spend a lot of time talking about sexual orientation. With all that attention, surely that number must be high. All Americans estimated that 30 percent of their fellow citizens are gay. Wrong again, the real number is 3 percent. Now, is this starting to add up? The Democrats don't want you to know the real numbers because it would tank their entire agenda. They want you to see victims around every corner and elect more Democrats to right the ship. Millions of people who look differently with different lifestyles, who eat differently and who believe radically different things. It's just not true. This country is not New York City. It is the United States of America.