
Marine Corps veteran and syndicated radio host Jesse Kelly sounded off Thursday on President Joe Biden's intensifying crisis in Afghanistan that has thus far left 13 American service members dead, telling "Tucker Carlson Tonight" Biden and the political class in Washington are coldly analyzing the situation in terms of political strategy, poll numbers and proper rhetoric for future public remarks.

Host Tucker Carlson began his interview by reviewing Biden's remarks Thursday, as well as a statement from Sen. Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., calling on the Delaware Democrat to "clearly and firmly state the United States will stay as long as it takes in Afghanistan."

"Politics. No patriotism at all, no love of country at all. This is all politics, Tucker. That's why I'm is full of hate and rage right now as I have been probably since 9/11," said Kelly, whose program airs weekdays at 6 pm ET on Premiere Radio Networks.

"I know for a fact either mothers or wives or somebody like that, they are getting a phone call tonight or will be getting a phone call shortly they're going to find out husband is never coming home again -- Daddy is never coming home again. My son is never coming home again," he continued.

"And I know for a fact the scumbags in the White House who run this country, they are sitting around a table as we speak, and they are not worried about Mommy, they're not worried about Daddy, they're not worried about that kid, they haven't shed a single tear for anybody, they're worried about poll numbers: They are worried what polls well -- how are we doing with middle-aged women and how do you think we did with Black people tonight?"

Kelly said political tacticians on both sides are "disgusting" and that the service members these domestic commanders oversee deserve better than what they have had for decades.

He spoke morosely about the future of the U.S. and the military in that regard, characterizing Biden as a plant the political class "put in there on purpose."

"They cleared out the field to put in this old man who is clearly half-functional. Instead of dependable, we got depends in the White House. The guy has no idea what he is doing … There's no plan,"  he concluded.

Kelly claimed Biden's military advisers, Gen. Mark Milley and retired Gen. Lloyd Austin III; the latter his defense secretary; are not feeling circumspect in the least about what has happened.

"None of them are looking in the mirror… and looking at themselves and saying ‘I think are really screwed up’. They are all worried about their own rear ends and their pensions and their career and there's no patriotism anymore and it makes me want to vomit."


He noted that Milley testified to Congress his concern about "White rage" after some lawmakers criticized the Pentagon for adding left-wing critical race theory texts to reading lists. Milley testified that he has read Vladimir Lenin and Karl Marx but that doing so "does not make me a Communist."

"We're finding out what all that's getting us: There are only so many hours in the day, either you're digging into White rage or are digging into actually finding a way to [extract] your people from Afghanistan without getting American citizens slaughtered, brave Marines slaughtered, our allies slaughtered."

"This is more than just a national embarrassment. This is an international embarrassment. I can't even imagine what the military planners in China are pouring into the ears of Xi Jinping right now because I have to be honest if I were them I'd be landing on the shores of Taiwan tomorrow…."