Jason Whitlock on anti-police rhetoric of the Democratic Party platform
2020 DNC platform states millions of people have 'good reason' to fear being killed by the police; reaction from OutKick's Jason Whitlock.
The Democratic Party has been pushing anti-police sentiments during this election year, but the tactic is really a manipulation of fear, sports writer and commentator Jason Whitlock said Tuesday night.
“I think that fear is a mechanism, a tool for control,” Whitlock, a co-owner of the OutKick website, said during an appearance on Fox News' "Tucker Carlson Tonight."
“And the Democratic Party, the mainstream media are using fear to control people -- and to control African-Americans in particular. You cannot function properly if you live in irrational fear.
“For those of us that have religious faith, we understand that fear is the friend of evil,” Whitlock added. “And the reason you embrace faith is so that you can operate without fear and you can reach your highest potential. This is just an irrational fear.”
Whitlock said Michelle Obama’s reference to fear in Black communities during the convention's opening night Monday was not correctly supported with statistics and facts. Instilling irrational fear will only cause greater panic and “bad decisions,” Whitlock claimed.

Black Lives Matter protesters march through Portland, Ore. after rallying at the Mark O. Hatfield United States Courthouse on Sunday, Aug. 2, 2020. (Associated Press)
“Why is someone trying to instill that fear in us of the police?” he asked. “It's like a self-fulfilling prophecy. If you engage with the police filled with fear, you are more likely to make really bad decisions that then provoke them to take action. It's irresponsible what they're doing and what they're saying.”
The Democrats have convinced Americans that the system is “rigged against them,” Whitlock argued, giving people an excuse to not be successful and behave improperly. He went on to call the Democratic platform “borderline satanic.”
“I was brought up my entire life to go out and attack the world,” he said. “We’re now telling kids, you can’t conquer the world. … Attitude controls outcome. … To see a major political party pump this message into the Black community, it’s really disheartening for me."