Jarrett: The Supreme Court represents the 'sanity' and 'common sense' world order

Greg Jarrett discusses what would happen if SCOTUS tried to codify Roe

Legal analyst Gregg Jarrett weighed in on the backlash over Roe v. Wade being overturned on "Hannity."

GREGG JARRETT: Well, the Supreme Court represents the sanity and common sense world order, if you will. And, you know, Joe Biden, whenever he weighs in on the Constitution, the Supreme Court or the rule of law, he mangles the subject matter, which only underscores that this is a guy who got kicked out of law school. I mean, the sum total of what Biden knows about the law could be written on a yellow Post-it. And I'm talking about the little one. You know, his latest thing is let's federalize abortion rights. That's a fool's errand for two reasons from a legal standpoint. Remember what the Supreme Court said. They said, we are returning the decision-making to the states. So if Congress were to try to codify it, it would immediately be met with a lawsuit to strike it down, usurping the power of the states. But from a practical standpoint, Joe Biden wants to create this chronic state of whiplash every time a new party takes over Congress in the White House. They would reverse the previous decision on abortion. So you'd have this persistent ping pong effect. Look, abortion is important. It shouldn't be treated like a rubber band. Expanded and contracted. 



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