"Hillbilly Elegy" author J.D. Vance called out left-wing media giants on "Fox News Primetime," Thursday for not taking the initiative to uncover New York Governor Cuomo's alleged acts of corruption, claiming that the news being broken by a local news reporter shows they're "not actually good" at monitoring politicians' actions "especially if they come from the right side of the political aisle." 

J.D. VANCE:  There are two things about that story [Cuomo's testing prioritization of family] that really strike me. The first is ... this was at the height of the pandemic in New York. And we really didn't know what was going on when there were a lot of people, especially folks in nursing homes who were dying that we needed that testing for. And the fact that you have a politician using that testing to benefit his family, using those resources to benefit his family is just sort of the height of a leader not acting like a leader. We want leaders to follow their own rules, we want them to look after their own people. And he just clearly wasn't doing that.

The second thing that's kind of crazy about this story is, as I understand it, it was broken by a local Albany paper. So you have the height of the national media, the left-wing media, The New York Times, a ton of papers who theoretically should have been covering and breaking this. But it took a local news reporter to actually uncover this level of corruption, sort of suggests that our media isn't actually that good at monitoring a lot of our politicians, especially if they come from the right side of the political aisle.