Fox host Sean Hannity describes reports of the beliefs of the suspected subway shooter, Frank R. James, on "Hannity."

SEAN HANNITY: [The alleged perpetrator's] twisted motives and ideology are coming into focus in what are a series of deranged videos filled with violent rhetoric … James was railing against White people, Asian Americans, Jewish Americans, Hispanic Americans and the United States of America. He even trashed Joe Biden's Supreme Court nominee, Judge [Ketanji Brown] Jackson, because she married a White man.

James also filmed himself on the streets of New York, screaming racial slurs at Asians and Hispanics as they walk by telling them they shouldn't exist. And according to social media, he was also a big supporter of ... Louis Farrakhan of the Nation of Islam. Naturally, this story will be swept under the rug by the media mob. I guess Frank James probably won't fit their political narrative. In fact, one disappointed former MSDNC host tweeted: 'Police say the suspect is a male black. Damn damn damn.' How about we just get the bad guy, and we protect the good guys, all people?