Ingraham: As Biden surrounds himself with Obama-era 'retreads', Trump remains important figure

Trump will remain prominent throughout a Biden presidency, host says.

President Trump will remain the most compelling figure in American politics as President -elect Joe Biden returns the U.S. to the economic stagnation that characterized the Obama administration, Laura Ingraham predicted Monday.

"The Ingraham Angle" host began her opening monologue by reacting to Trump allowing the General Services Administration to release $7.3 million and other resources to begin an orderly transition to a Biden presidency. 

"This does not mean I don't think that the election was rife with problems and potential fraud," Ingraham said. "To say this does not constitute being a sellout to the conservative populist movement I've been fighting for, for 25 years. ... To say this constitutes living in reality.

"And if I offer you a false reality, if I told you there was an excellent, phenomenal chance of the Supreme Court stepping in and delivering a victory to President Trump, I would be lying to you."


The host the suggested Trump appoint a commission on election reform to investigate irregularities and potentially more serious offenses, remarking that there is "no reason" that states like Pennsylvania and Michigan can't run their elections as smoothly as Florida and Texas.

"This group must investigate exactly what happened ... and offer serious recommendations to see that this never happens again," she said.

Ingraham then discussed reasons for conservatives to be optimistic, noting that Biden's early Cabinet choices include Obama-era stalwarts who created the problems that led to the rise of Trump in the first place. Former Sen. John Kerry, D-Mass., will be tasked to fight climate change with taxpayer money, while Obama loyalist and former Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen is his choice for Treasury secretary.

"Biden's entire administration is basically going to look like a rerun of the series canceled four years ago, except this time without its popular leading man: Obama," Ingraham said. "Now we know what they are going to do -- what Obama did, but it's going to be worse. He's picking mostly bland retreads to his Cabinet."

Meanwhile, she said, Trump can best serve the Republican and conservative cause by going to Georgia to campaign for Sens. Kelly Loeffler and David Perdue ahead of the crucial Jan. 5 runoff elections in that state. If both Republican candidates win and cement two more years of a GOP majority in the upper chamber, Ingraham went on, the party's resistance to Biden's unfettered globalism will gain strength.

"Unlike those who gather and pine about the end of national borders, unlike those who tear down our history and spit on law enforcement, we believe in the goodness of our people and the righteousness of our founders and our constitution," she said. "We believe our independence cannot be sublimated to a global order determined by unaccountable bureaucrats in Brussels or in Paris.


"And that means we need President Trump to continue advocating for American exceptionalism and continue reaching out to communities who have been lied to or poorly served for generations."

According to Ingraham, despite the efforts by the political left and much of popular culture to "destroy" the president, "on January 21, 2020, he will still be the most important person in American politics if he wants to be."

"The fact of the matter is, no one else, at least right now, can bring the energy, draw the crowds, and attract new voters -- like Latinos and African-Americans -- as he did," she concluded. "And I personally cannot wait to see what President Trump does next."

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