
Laura Ingraham opind in her "Ingraham Angle" monologue Tuesday that the idea that Joe Biden and the Democratic Party will help African-Americans and minorities is not true -- in the wake of the violent protests and riots following George Floyd's death -- is not true.

"Our first African-American president was propelled into office not once but twice with a majority of white support," Ingraham said. "Yet when it comes to delivering actual results, including for African-Americans, despite what you hear in the media, Donald Trump has done better than anyone."


Under the Trump administration, Ingraham said, the unemployment rate among African-Americans dropped to the lowest level in history, home ownership increased and criminal justice reforms like the First Step Act were enacted.

"Those weren't hashtags or slogans," she said. "Those were real policies that people worked really hard on to deliver real results.

"Joe Biden was in the Senate for, what, 30 years? He was VP for eight, and all he can come up with now are symbolic gestures: slogans, hashtags, professions of empathy," Ingraham added. "They're fine, but they don't create jobs. They do not create opportunity. But they can create the illusion of caring."

"I won't traffic in fear and division," Biden said in Philadelphia Tuesday. "I won't fan the flames of hate. I will seek to heal the racial wounds that have long plagued our country. This job is not about me. It's about you. It's about us."

"He's been saying the same thing for decades and he's done nothing," Ingraham said as a rebuttal. "And if he and Obama knew how to deliver all that that he just said, it would have been delivered during their two terms in office.

"I understand for a lot of people, Trump may be rough around the edges. They sometimes don't like his tone or his tweets or his bravado, it might turn you off at times, but he's worked harder, with better results than any politician I know I've ever met, to bring prosperity to all people and especially prosperity for the African-American community."


Ingraham added that Hillary Clinton's nomination for president in 2016 confirmed the Democratic Party was largely the party of the coastal elites and wealthy Americans, while Trump became the candidate for the working people.

"And when Biden supporters say ... they want to defund or even abolish the police, ask yourself for a moment, who's that really going to help? Who will be the victims of those crimes that go unprosecuted? Working-class and disadvantaged people: That's who," she said.

"Because the rich people, the ones that are going to vote for Biden, they can hire their own security. But everybody else is just going to end up more vulnerable and less safe."