Ingraham: The left won't think twice about 'punishing perceived wrongdoers' at home

Laura slams Obama labeling opposing views as 'disinformation'

Laura Ingraham discussed on ‘The Ingraham Angle’ how Obama labeled those with dissenting views as spreading ‘dangerous disinformation' and how that tactic is common of dictators.

LAURA INGRAHAM: OK. This is rich, with his party on the brink and his former VP on the ropes, Barack Obama thinks that he's going to turn the tide by attacking the few news sources in the United States that are actually telling the truth about the results of his party's policies. So labeling the views of an effective opposition as dangerous disinformation, which is what he did today at Stanford. It's the common tactic of dictators like Putin and Xi. 


So this brings me to this question, why is the left -- why are Democrats so cowed by China and so condemnatory of their own country? Now we all know that the Left doesn't think twice about punishing perceived wrongdoers here at home. When the LG, BLM, CDC announced new rules, you better follow them or else. You use the wrong pronoun? You're banned.

BEIJING, CHINA - DECEMBER 04:  Chinese President Xi Jinping (R) shake hands with   U.S Vice President Joe Biden (L) inside the Great Hall of the People on December 4, 2013 in Beijing, China. U.S Vice President Joe Biden will pay an official visit to China from December 4 to 5.  (Photo by Lintao Zhang/Getty Images)

Post that you didn't get your booster shot and you can lose half your following on Twitter. You raise your voice at a school board meeting. The DOJ is going to put you on a terror watch list, or threatened to. But where are the left social order enforcers when it comes to China? 

Even when the CCP is starving twenty-five million people in Shanghai, even when they're crushing freedom in Hong Kong or funding Russia's assault on Ukraine, spreading anti-American bile online, covering up the truth about COVID and imprisoning the Ughyurs, bankrolling Russia's war in Ukraine. Biden's team continues to pretend that President Xi is somewhere we can work within good faith. 


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