Laura Ingraham says Dems, left doing all they can to distract Americans from 'Wizard of Uhhs' Biden

Laura Ingraham kicked off "The Ingraham Angle" Tuesday by comparing Joe Biden to the Wizard of Oz.

"Aren't you reminded of the wizard hiding behind that curtain, trying to project a figure of strength to the public yet ultimately failing?" Ingraham asked after playing clips of Biden speaking in roundabout ways and apparently losing his train of thought.

"Lucky for Joe, his staff limits his interview time and the press blocks and tackles for him as he mutters and stumbles along as you just saw," she added.

Ingraham noted that the coronavirus crisis gave Biden "cover" to avoid television interviews and unscripted public events, and allowed "anti-Trump forces" to distract the public with false narratives and "perpetual fear."

For example, Ingraham cited the criticism of Trump's plan to hold a rally in Tulsa, Okla. while massive protests in support of the Black Lives Matter movement pack the streets of cities like New York, which has been devastated by the virus.

"[They say] 'Trump doesn't care about people's health,' [but] remember a week earlier, it was 'Wow, those massive BLM protests are inspiring' [or] 'Trump will refuse to leave office if he loses'."

Another distraction, Ingraham claimed, is the ongoing vandalism of public monuments and other buildings.

"Now, the new generals of idiocracy bravely tear down monuments to all generals of the Confederacy. One problem. These anti-history buffs end up defacing other monuments of people who actually worked for the abolitionist movement," she said.

"All of this is, as dramatic as it appears at times, is a complete diversion," she said. "The new Bolsheviks hope you will be so riveted by whatever pixie dust is thrown in the air that you'll forget that your party is about to nominate someone who struggles with that whole subject-verb/direct object thing.


"Beyond the verbal and cognitive miscues, [Biden] is just a Washington dinosaur that roamed the swamp for 40 years or so, and yet failed to make any meaningful structural changes to our supposedly almost irredeemably corrupt system."

Ingraham concluded by wondering why, if Biden is the man for the moment, he was unable to take sweeping actions on issues such as policing in his more than four decades as a senator and vice president.

"After [the deaths of] Trayvon Martin and Michael Brown, they could have rallied Congress," she said. "Instead, they tossed out crumbs to satisfy their angry activist base.

"How hard is it to imagine Biden doing his own version of Obama's post-Bush 2009 apology tour? And while Joe was busy apologizing, China and the E.U. will clean his and our clock -- [and] just like Dorothy and friends, Americans will be disappointed if it becomes apparent that Biden behind that curtain won't make their wishes come true. He is just "The Wizard of Uhhs."

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