Ingraham: Biden's coronavirus policies have backfired and failed Americans

The Left's new go-to line is 'your body, Fauci's choice,' says Fox News host

Fox News host Laura Ingraham opened Monday's "Ingraham Angle" blasting President Biden's COVID plan that she says "failed Americans" and Dr. Anthony Fauci's guidance that mask-wearing may still be in effect a year from now.

INGRAHAM: If it were up to Fauci, you couldn’t get your freedom back, or ever take off your masks, unless a magical – and ever-changing – percentage of Americans get the vaccine.  He does not think you should have your own freedom to manage your own risk profile. 


Since everyone who wants a vaccine can get a vaccine now – how does this make ANY sense whatsoever?  And what happened to the liberals’ favorite go-to line – 'my body, my choice'? That’s out the window. Now it’s apparently 'your body, Fauci’s choice.' These people are super-spreaders of fear, false information, and hypocrisy. And as a result, more Americans are just tuning them out.   Even those living in in deep blue states like Massachusetts they’re now protesting the arbitrary rules. 


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