Fox News host Laura Ingraham shared President Biden and Democrats' setbacks on Wednesday's "The Ingraham Angle," saying it's "going to get a lot uglier."

LAURA INGRAHAM: In just the past 48 hours, the prospects for Joe Biden, the Democrats, have gone the way of the Dow. They've plummeted because of multiple setbacks. First, and the stock market is an indicator of this, we're riding toward recession on the wave of spending that we couldn't afford and we didn't need — COVID, on infrastructure, on climate, on bailouts. And with $40 billion more soon slated to go out the window to Ukraine. This is a total and complete travesty. And by the way, the recession, the inflation — it was preventable, but now it's too late. Meanwhile, mothers are still struggling to find baby food. Basic nutrition for their infants. Now, when Biden said he would have the most diverse Cabinet in history, we didn't realize that also meant turning America into the Third World. Which brings us to setback number two. Beyond the dismal economy, the Biden team's disinformation board and their misinformation. Who ran it? They're kaput. 

President Biden

President Biden. REUTERS/Evelyn Hockstein (REUTERS/Evelyn Hockstein)


As his party's prospects become bleaker as the weeks wear on, Democrats, Biden's Democrats — I expect them to escalate things. It's going to get a lot uglier. You're going to have more racial recriminations, aggressive protests, demands for more mail-in ballots and drop boxes, oh, yes. Just you watch. But as we saw with the massive GOP turnout in the primary so far, the momentum is with the conservatives. Americans know they cannot afford any more of this epic failure.