Ingraham: Biden, Democrats need their own 'reset' if they want to continue past 2022

Colorado Gov. Jared Polis became the rare Democrat to end major COVID-19 mandates

Laura Ingraham warned of a "blue holiday season" for Democrats if they don't seek their own "Great Reset" as President Biden's approval rating craters.

The latest blow to Democrats' hopes for a socialist transformation of the American system was when Senate Parliamentarian Elizabeth MacDonough ruled against immigration reform provisions in the Build Back Better plan, the "Ingraham Angle" host reported.

"And that’s not all. Today Biden formally pulled the plug on his social spending bill for the year," Ingraham said Thursday. "This is what happens when you nominate a man as president who doesn’t have the stamina or the mental capacity to carry out the job."


Senate Parliamentarian Elizabeth MacDonough. (AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite)

"As things stand now, Joe Biden, at home and abroad, can’t really persuade anyone of anything," she continued. "That’s a huge problem."

Biden and the Democrats' only hope for survival as a contending political party is to dispatch with the "Squad" wing and begin making things better for the American people, she said.

"At this point, Democrats know they’re going to get wiped out next year, and the thought of being in the minority with Biden in the White House is too much for many to take," she said, noting the latest 2022 retirement announcement came from 80-year-old Rep. Alan Lowenthal (D-Cal.), who represents Long Beach and Catalina Island.

Lowenthal is the 20th Democrat to announce retirement, she reported.


"Since January, Biden’s approval among adults under 30 has fallen 50 points," Ingraham said. "Today only 29 percent of that group approves of the job Biden’s doing, and it’s not just the young people who are fleeing Biden. He’s underwater with other key demos."

"Women, minus 4. College grads, minus 3.4, and for the big one, Independents, he’s almost 32 points under," she said. "Among Hispanics, he dropped from a positive 34.7 to a paltry 4.2 net approval rating."

"This is a nightmare scenario not just for the president and his party, but for the country as well. While Republicans will flourish in the short-term with Biden floundering, ultimately we’ll all be better off if we have two, functioning, sane parties in America."


(Joe Biden bows his head after receiving a question during a press availability. (AP Photo))

In the spirit of the holiday season, Ingraham said, Democrats should look to turn to bipartisanship with "real" Republicans; excluding Rep. Liz Cheney (R-Wy.) and Rep. Adam Kinzinger (R-Il.) on issues that matter to the people, not the "Squad."

"Take the inflation issue — you know it’s bad and going to get worse when liberal economist Paul Krugman, a guru for the Left, had to do a 180," she said.

"Team Transitory, myself included, has argued that we’re looking at a temporary blip … So far, warnings about inflation have proved right, while Team Transitory’s predictions that inflation would quickly fade have been wrong," Krugman recently wrote.

The other arena dragging the Democrats down is COVID-19, where Biden promised to defeat the virus, not the economy, she said.

"According to Trafalgar, almost 70 percent surveyed don’t want more mandates or restrictions — even with omicron," she said. "No matter how much hyperventilation they hear on TV, they’re done," Ingraham reported.

Biden isn't heeding such calls, but instead again attacking "the unvaccinated" and claiming that a "winter of … death" awaits them, she added.

"Again, totally dismissing any protection from natural immunity that the previously infected already have. Always emphasizing the negative," she said. "Talk about a losing strategy with the voters."

She pointed to Democrats like Colorado Gov. Jared Polis, who ended vaccine mandates in his state, saying it's residents' "own fault" if they contract the virus.

That, Ingraham said, is a win in the fight against draconian mandates and lockdowns.

Colorado Gov. Jared Polis. (AP Photo/David Zalubowski)

"Even former lockdown lover Gretchen Whitmer is nixing vaccine mandates for state employees," she said.

"This is where Biden needs to be headed," Ingraham said. "All mandates need to be dropped nationwide. If people want to wear masks on planes, great. If they don’t, don’t. If they have objections to the vaccine, they shouldn’t be forced to get it, and they shouldn’t be cut off from daily life or treated like pariahs. Vaxxed people can spread the virus too, as we all know."


"It doesn’t take a political genius to realize that Biden and his party needs a complete and total reset in 2022," she added. He talks a lot about his working class roots — time to push policies that actually help the working class."

"Biden will infuriate the Squad and some hard Left activists, but this reset must be done. Otherwise, the Great Wipeout of 2022 will set his party back a decade and deeply harm the country he professes to love so deeply." 

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