Ingraham: Afghan crisis results in 'Biden's body bags' as 'band of incompetents' affects real lives

The host told Biden chief of staff Ronald Klain to 'take charge' instead of 'watching US go down the drain'

In her "Ingraham Angle" commentary Thursday, host Laura Ingraham lamented what she called "Biden's body bags" after the worsening Afghan crisis started by the hasty U.S. withdrawal led to a suicide bomb attack at Hamid Karzai International Airport that killed 13 American service members among other victims.

"For the past week, Biden and his team have spun over and over that the evacuation was going well. Today we see the truth.  This was all total crap. This is a catastrophe," she said. "If you and your team can’t handle this mission, why should we trust you to handle any mission?"

"Our enemies know now that we’re being led by a band of incompetents. And none of them are shaking in their boots from Biden's promise [to ‘hunt you down and make you pay’]."

Ingraham said President Biden and his top stateside military brass have failed the American people, the Afghan civilians, and our other allies.

"They failed to build the Afghan Army to withstand the Taliban, they failed to organize a withdrawal that didn’t devolve into total chaos, and they failed to first extract Americans still in harm’s way and instead prioritized Afghan nationals."

Ingraham noted how there has yet to be a specific, solid figure announced by Biden or his cabinet of the exact number of American citizens stranded in Afghanistan:

"How many more men and women in uniform might die because [Antony] Blinken, [General Mark] Milley and the rest have no idea what they’re doing?" she asked.

She called out Biden for providing the Taliban with a list of American citizens he believes to still be in Afghanistan, despite the fact the Taliban has been killing Americans for more than two decades until the recent 2020 ceasefire agreement.

"But we do know that whatever Biden’s puppeteers decide, it’s always a political calculation.  That’s the real tragedy," she said.

Ingraham said Democrats were in such haste to unseat Donald Trump, they "propped up" the "incompetent grifter" of a Delaware Democrat, knowing his chief accomplishments in office were enriching his own family.

"We had the strongest economy in the world. The strongest military in the world. And when the Democrats said it was impossible to get a vaccine by year’s end, Trump got it done: And they threw it all away just to put this team of bumbling dolts in the White House and across the cabinet," she said, placing some of the blame on Biden's longtime confidant and White House Chief of Staff Ronald Klain.

"I have a message for Ron Klain:  You don’t have a comms or a political problem, you have a competence problem.  No spokesman can turn this around.  No reporter can help you look good here," she said.

"You wanted to run the White House? You wanted to be in charge?  Then take charge.  Get control of the situation. How can you sit here and watch America go down the drain?" she asked of Klain.


Ingraham further called on top congressional leaders like Sens. Charles Schumer, D-N.Y. and Mitch McConnell, R-Ky, to negotiate a replacement team of national security officials for the ones she said have failed Biden and failed America.

"From the State Department to the Pentagon to the intel agencies, they all need to be replaced," she said. "The only thing left to do in Afghanistan is to exit.  I don’t trust Team Dunderhead to re-invade Afghanistan and try to defeat the Taliban – or worse, partner with them to deal with ISIS-K. We have to assume that every person and piece of equipment we send to Afghanistan at this point is at risk of falling into the hands of the new Islamist regime."

"We should not be launching any new military effort until we have new military leadership, and a strong political consensus on the new mission.  That means Congress actually declares war. This president is not capable of making life and death decisions – let Congress draft a resolution, and take some responsibility for a change."

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