Many liberals condemned Floridians who celebrated the Super Bowl amid the coronavirus pandemic only weeks after praising Americans who took to the streets to celebrate Joe Biden’s presidential victory.

The Tampa Bay Buccaneers won the second Super Bowl in franchise history on Sunday with a blowout, 31-9 win over the Kansas City Chiefs. It was the first time a team had ever won a Super Bowl played at its stadium--the Super Bowl sites are chosen years in advance -- but many who were quick to praise pro-Biden gatherings didn’t appreciate Bucs fans for rejoicing in the COVID era.


The Daily Caller called out the hypocrisy in a Twitter thread. Its first tweet was labeled "too predictable" and pointed out that Vice suggested COVID-19 could be the "real winner" of Super Bowl LV because fans partied, but the organization didn’t seem too bothered when Biden supporters erupted in celebration back in November.

Next up was the Washington Post, which declared Tampa Bay Buccaneer fans "celebrated the Super Bol win while risking a superspreader event," but glamourized the "sights and sounds" of Biden vixtory festivities. "Do they have any shame?" the Daily Caller asked.

The Los Angeles Times was guilty of similar hypocrisy, as the California newspaper noted that health experts urged Americans to enjoy the big game without risking the health of others, when it previously reported "No barrier could block" Biden supporters from an all-day bash.

The New York Times was equally guilty, as the Daily Caller pointed out. The Gray Lady condemned Super Bowl fans who celebrated without masks while ignoring social distancing. The coverage was much different when Biden won, as the Times praised "dancing in the streets" at the time.

Distressed by Bucs supporters reveling before the game by drinking and not wearing masks, double-masked CNN reporter Randi Kaye told viewers she had asked Tampa police what they could do about the situation and quoted police as "very disappointed." 

The Daily Caller pointed out that CNN had previously looked the other way as Biden supporters "erupt in celebration."

"They think you’re stupid," the Daily Caller wrote when pointing out similar hypocrisy from The Independent.

The Caller didn’t limits its finding to news organizations, as it also found blue check marked individuals with contradictory tweets.

The Daily Caller also noticed that Business Insider poo-pooed Super Bowl attendees but praised Americans who took to the streets after Biden’s win.


Liberal website HuffPost, which referred to Super Bowl celebrations as "super spreader" events but called images from Biden victory parties "amazing," was next up.  

"It's only a super spreader event if it doesn't fit the narrative," the Daily Caller wrote.

Fox News’ David Rutz contributed to this report.