Conservative radio host Buck Sexton, an ex-CIA officer, ripped the 51 current-and-former U.S. intelligence officials who have yet to apologize or in some cases doubled-down on their October 2020 claims that Hunter Biden's infamous laptop is ‘Russian disinformation’.

After the New York Times last week validated the New York Post's reporting two years after the censorship campaign by Big Tech, Sexton said he was shocked to see some of his former colleagues decline to admit they were wrong.

"It's one thing when you have Brian Stelter [claiming] it's Russian disinformation – he doesn't know anything," Sexton said on the "Clay Travis and Buck Sexton Show" Monday. "Some of the former directors of our intelligence agencies -- some of the folks that are on that front page of the New York Post I worked for -- I know some of these people."


Hunter Biden introduces his father Joe Biden (Kris Connor/WireImage)

Hunter Biden introduces his father Joe Biden (Kris Connor/WireImage)

"They went either completely out of their minds or were willing accomplices in the lie, to the apparatus," he added.

Sexton said the reason he knows these current and former colleagues at Langley were willing to act in that way is because none appear embarrassed to be proven wrong by the left's paper of record.

"There’s no mea-culpa – there's no ‘oh I probably shouldn’t have gone along with Russian [disinformation claims],’" he said.

Sexton went on to say that some officials appear to take the stance that tries to force their subject of criticism to prove a negative – which is often difficult and unfair, he said.


According to Sexton, many of the officials are likely doubling down or standing put because they personally believe they "did their part" for the "bigger purpose" – which could be to defeat former President Trump or other personal reasons.

"[That] is what everybody should know about the apparatus. It’s not about the truth. It’s about power," he said.

In the scathing front page response to the Times and the intelligence community last week, the Post Editorial Board listed the 51 officials who denied the veracity of their story about Hunter Biden – including Bush-Obama CIA Director Michael Hayden, Obama-era DNI-turned-CNN pundit James Clapper, former CIA Director Leon Panetta, and former CIA chief of staff-turned NBC News analyst Jeremy Bash. 


In this Oct. 11, 2012, file photo, Hunter Biden waits for the start of his father's debate at Centre College in Danville, Ky. (AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais, File)

In this Oct. 11, 2012, file photo, Hunter Biden waits for the start of his father's debate at Centre College in Danville, Ky. (AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais, File)

The Post said Clapper "doubled down" on his original assertion, responding to a request for comment by saying that he stands by his statement AT THE TIME (emphasis his) and that sounding a "cautionary note" based on a paragraph from the Post's report was "appropriate" then.

When asked whether he believes Hunter Biden will face federal charges in Delaware stemming from a related case, Travis said he did and that they could be "significant."

Sexton disagreed, remarking that he is so certain Hunter will go unindicted that he suggested a 'gentleman's bet':

"I want some BBQ out of this," he joked to his Tennesseean co-host.