How the woke left justifies violence: Cooper

'Shame on Joe Biden for lying to America,' Cooper said

Horace Cooper of Project 21 discusses President Biden's previous statements calling White supremacy the "most lethal threat" and says the media and people on the left are distracting from condemning bigotry across the board on "Tucker Carlson Tonight."

HORACE COOPER: Even though if you go to UC Berkeley, they might make some kind of false claim. Here's what's actually being pursued. I call it the racial antinomian heresy: The theory that there are people that ... can misbehave, they can blow up subways, they can run their car down over people. And we're going to overlook that as somehow we're making up for past mistreatment. All that we're signaling by that behavior is that more people should do it. So shame on the New York Times, shame on CNN, and shame on Joe Biden for lying to America. 


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