Former Connecticut homicide detective Brian Foley joined "Fox & Friends First" Friday to address the growing outrage over how the police handled the Uvalde school shooting. Foley cautioned it's too soon to condemn the officers or draw conclusions about how the response unfolded.


BRIAN FOLEY: These are emotional times. And when it's emotional and raw like this, people look for answers, and they look for somebody to blame. And I think that right now they're blaming the police officers and that's a natural reaction. As cops, you kind of understand it. But let me say this. There are a lot of cops on scene. If cops felt like they should have gone in and didn't. You would start hearing that from them, start hearing it from the union's people. The cops would be screaming, Hey, I want to go in. They wouldn't let us in. We're not hearing that right now, which tells me the cops on the scene knew what the situation was, knew where the containment was, and had to hold back and not enter what we call, which is the doorway to the classroom, a fatal funnel. At that point, as you have an armed gunman with lots of ammunition and a high-powered rifle, and if you go through that doorway at that point, you're guaranteed of getting killed. And the gunfire had stopped. I'm not here to make excuses for the police officers. What I'm saying is right now it's raw, it's early. There's an investigation, a forensic homicide investigation. We'll go on and we'll know everything. And we haven't seen body cameras or cruiser cameras yet. Those body cameras, when they come out, are going to tell the full story.