Fox News contributor Jonathan Turley predicted that Hillary Clinton will avoid "direct responsibility" for pushing claims of former President Trump's collusion with Russia Friday on "Special Report."

TURLEY: Hillary Clinton has always had a sort of Voldemort-like status of she who must not be named in a scandal. The Clintons have really been able to avoid direct responsibility in a series of scandals. And here was her campaign manager effectively dropping the dime on his former boss and saying, "Look, she approved it. She knew about it." Now, the reason that's important is that this claim was utterly ridiculous. It didn't have a basis. It was quickly rejected by people in the government, and it was without any foundation when people looked at it. But the Clinton campaign pushed it anyway. This Alfa Bank story was pushed by Jake Sullivan, now the national security adviser, and by Clinton herself. But the thing to keep in mind is that President Obama was briefed when he was president, that Hillary Clinton was planning to make a Russian collusion claim against Donald Trump to try to sort of get out of her own email issues during the campaign. And we now have someone saying, "Yeah, she green-lighted the Alfa Bank claims," which were completely without foundation. 


The Clintons are really quite adept at avoiding direct responsibility on some of these scandals, and I expect that will be the case here. With the exception of false statements made to federal investigators, there's not a lot that can be brought for charges against a wide array of individuals. That's why the special counsel investigation is so important, if he can produce a report that finally sheds light on how this extraordinary campaign unfolded through the Clinton campaign.