Heather Mac Donald claims YouTube pulled policing speech because it didn't say 'America is endemically racist'

'Facts are the dread of our our Silicon Valley oligarchs,' Mac Donald tells Tucker Carlson

YouTube briefly removed video of an address on policing by author and Manhattan Institute fellow Heather Mac Donald last week because it went against the narrative that police are "engaged in wanton racist violence against Black men," Mac Donald charged on "Tucker Carlson Tonight" Wednesday.

"Facts are the dread of our our Silicon Valley oligarchs, facts which disprove their favorite narrative that America is endemically racist," Mac Donald said. "I gave a speech last week on policing that used federal data, the gold standard to disprove the lie that police are engaged in wanton racist violence against Black men, as Joe Biden and the rioters maintain.


"No sooner had I finished the speech than Google wiped it off the Web on the grounds that it violated its community guidelines for keeping YouTube a safe space for all."

Mac Donald said her host, the Minnesota-based think tank The Center of the American Experiment, appealed the decision. YouTube, which is owned by Google, put the speech back online with an age restriction.

"Here's what your child can watch, Tucker, in the privacy of his bedroom," she told host Tucker Carlson. "A porn star giving a lap dance; nubile, naked young women spooning with an equally naked young man; anarcho-Communists praising the destruction of a Minneapolis police precinct as the high point of the rioting to date; and tips on how to become an Antifa warrior.


"Now, those videos do contain salacious content and arguably do incite violence," she went on. "Unlike my speech, which condemned violence and especially the violence that has taken hundreds of Black lives since the rioting began."

"The only thing I can conclude, Tucker," Mac Donald posited, "is that it [my speech] gives young people facts that will allow them not to become an Antifa warrior and not to join in the destruction of the civilized order, which is tearing this country apart."

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