Fox News host Sean Hannity slammed the Biden administration for their confusing messaging surrounding COVID-19 and Dr. Fauci's grim outlook, Thursday on "Hannity."

"It's official Biden's dark summer is now upon all of us, and doctor doom and gloom flip flop Fauci is predicting that it's all about to get a whole lot worse," said Hannity. "Of course, despite promising to get COVID-19 under control… and vowing that life would return to normal. Well, this delta variant is now raging.  Democrats are eagerly ramping up restrictions across the country."

Hannity claimed Democrats are trying to use their power to force Americans' hands when it comes to medical freedom and create a "one size medicine for all" system.


"Forget medical privacy, forget doctor-patient confidentiality, forget about the freedom that America used to have to make your own decisions based on your own unique medical history."

Hannity continued his criticism taking aim at mandates in schools, saying, "Many schools will require children as young as three to wear masks at all times. In fact, Biden's so-called health experts, the ones that have been wrong the whole time, are advising that all Americans vaccinated, unvaccinated wear masks in any crowded settings."

The host also showed footage of Biden and Harris unmasked at the White House, telling his audience not to expect them to follow the same rules.

"At the White House, you see there, not a mask in sight among the adults, and definitely no social distancing. Here's Joe, back to his old habits, sniffing hair and touching every person in sight."

Hannity continued, "If you're confused by all of the evolving rules and regulations, seemingly changing by the hour, you're not alone. The mixed messages from the Biden administration have been pretty hard to follow... Especially since they don't actually follow any of their own rules."


Since the beginning of the pandemic, Hannity has urged his audience to take the virus seriously and to discuss proper precautions with one's doctor to be able to make a decision that's best for their medical history.

"This is the United States of America, supposedly the land of the free and home of the brave, not land of Joe Biden government mandates of everything and taking away everyone's freedom… Our great system relies on free people making their own decisions. Giving up this freedom will not save us, in fact, it will make everything a whole lot worse for years and years to come."