Fox News host Sean Hannity labeled President Biden a "corrupt career politician" in his Friday night monologue on "Hannity," calling the president the weakest leader he's seen in his lifetime.


SEAN HANNITY: Not only are the American people watching this, President Xi's watching this. Putin's watching this. The mullahs in Iran are watching this. Kim Jong-un are watching this. The Taliban's watching this. The world's enemies are watching this. This administration is nothing but a dumpster fire. You have a president struggling with even speaking basic, simple tasks, putting sentences together. The Biden syndicate, by the way, also facing a possible indictment. The vice president? Well, she's got her own embarrassing moments and, of course, the never ending giggling at inappropriate times. Our economy is imploding. Food prices are soaring. Gas prices at record levels. Interest rates are now beginning to surge. A 40-year-high on inflation. The Bank of America now warning of an imminent recession. Things frankly couldn't get any worse.    

Joe Biden inauguration

WASHINGTON, Jan. 20, 2021 -- U.S. President-elect Joe Biden (L, front) is sworn in as the 46th President of the United States in Washington, D.C., the United States, on Jan. 20, 2021. (Photo by Liu Jie/Xinhua via Getty) (Xinhua/Liu Jie via Getty Images) (Getty Images)


But, White House staffers, they're now openly complaining the media is not sufficiently touting their historic success. What success? Exactly what are you talking about? They take responsibility for nothing. Forty-year-high of inflation, record high gas prices, a disaster leaving the Islamic Emirates of Afghanistan, not being ready for war in Europe with Vladimir Putin. Oh, energy prices that he caused because he artificially reduced the world's supply. Remember, the White House blames Vladimir Putin for everything because of the war in Europe that happened under their watch. Yeah, Putin's a thug. He's a criminal. The acts he's committing, and his troops are committing are pure evil. He only responds to strength. But sadly, Joe Biden is the weakest leader that I have seen in my lifetime… According to a new poll, Americans no longer think Biden is likable or and, by the way, for good reason. Joe Biden is a low functioning, self-centered, corrupt career politician who frankly needed to retire 20 years ago.