In his opening monologue on Monday, "Hannity" host Sean Hannity said that no matter how President Biden and the Democrats frame the forthcoming tax hike plan, it will be pure "class warfare" and affect every taxpaying American.

Hannity said that while Biden has eclipsed every president going back to Calvin Coolidge in the 1920s when it comes to not holding a press conference in his first 54 days, the Democrats' leftist agenda is plowing forward.

"With or without Joe Biden, his party's radical, extreme socialist agenda is moving full stream ahead. And the next order of business is redistribution and wealth confiscation," the host said.

"In fact the Biden administration, we can now tell you, is planning what will be the single biggest tax hike on Americans in over three decades. This radical Green New Deal socialism has to be paid for by somebody and ... [so] hold onto your wallets, and buckle up for all the class warfare and all that rhetoric."

Hannity said the Democrats will undoubtedly frame their tax hikes as "taking from evil rich people and evil corporations" and giving it to the working class.

However, he said the tax hikes are likely to include raising the capital gains tax -- the tax paid by investors who 'gain' money from a simple mutual fund to more complex trades -- as well as tax rates on small business.

That along with hiking the death tax will affect almost every American, Hannity warned.

"In other words they want to raise taxes on money that you make, money that you invest and put at risk... they want a piece of that action [as well as] the money you still have left when you finally die and in the interim they are going to go back and get another bite at the apple with the wealth tax," he said.

The costs of tax hikes on corporations as championed by Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., he said, will simply be passed along to the consumer, while increased regulations on independent contractors will put millions out of work by "making it nearly impossible to hire people for their services if they own their own business," the host predicted. "That's payback for the unions and their election support."

Hannity added that Biden's economic plan is already being felt at the pump, where gas prices have skyrocketed in most areas since the beginning of the year. The host blamed those higher costs on the departure from American energy independence seen under President Donald Trump.

"It's their anti-fracking, anti-pipeline virtue signaling and you now have a recipe for what will be economic disaster for every hardworking American in the U.S. You will all be impacted, you will all be paying more and saving the world from climate change and of course climate change destruction in 12 years and turning America into a socialist hellhole," he said. 

"Of course that's not cheap. This only raises an estimated $2 trillion out of the $90 trillion that will be needed for the new green deal socialism. Buckle up, more tax hikes are headed your way. Nobody will be spared, guaranteed."

Hannity noted that Republican-led states, by and large, are already being punished for responsible governance, as the Democrats' COVID aid bill -- in his words -- amounted to the "biggest blue state bailout in the history of the country."

"If you live in a state where you elect responsible legislatures, governors, guess what? Congratulations, because your hard-earned money is about to go to governors in blue states and state legislatures in blue states where they tax and spend beyond their means, where they never balance their budget, they don't ever fund their pensions and where government corruption runs rampant."


"Illinois is getting a massive $13 billion of your money. New York State is getting a whopping 24 billion. California ... got a whopping $42 billion from you, the American people."

Those that essentially paid for that included Florida, Texas and Mississippi.

Hannity also reported that a teachers union in California, predicting that the state will use some of the money to pay bonuses to their members, suggested that they could use that windfall to take a vacation in Hawaii.