Hannity pans Biden's tone-deaf message on inflation: Cut the 'campaign crap'

The White House has repeatedly come under fire for its messaging surrounding inflation

Fox News host Sean Hannity pulled no punches in his opening monologue Wednesday reacting to President Biden’s attempt to downplay the inflation rates that have risen at the fastest pace in nearly four decades.

Despite mounting consumer fears around the economy and Biden's tumbling approval ratings, the White House touted the administration's "meaningful reduction" on Twitter. The consumer price index rose 7 percent in December, marking the fastest increase since June 1982, when inflation hit 7.1 percent.


"Today’s inflation numbers show a meaningful reduction in headline inflation over last month. We are making progress in slowing the rate of price increases," Biden tweeted on Wednesday. "But there is still more work to do — I remain focused on lowering costs for families and maintaining strong economic growth."

Hannity said it's time Biden cut the "campaign crap" and take actionable measures to reassure the American people.

"We don’t need bumper stickers. We don’t need lies and slogans, and, you know, campaign crap, because that’s what that is. The inflation rate month after month went up. Didn’t go down, and it continues to go up."

The issue of rising inflation, however, is not an isolated one, Hannity said, pointing out the administration's list of failures throughout its first year in office.

"He promised to shut down COVID-19. That turned out to be a lie. A big lie. He promised that if you got the vaccine you would never get COVID. We know that’s a lie," Hannity said. "He promised not to mandate vaccines. He would never do it. Another lie. He promised not to raise taxes on the middle class — also a lie, and he promised to unite the country."


"Instead of addressing the many crises affecting the U.S. or bringing both sides together, no bipartisanship whatsoever," Hannity said. "Joe is now busy literally smearing, slandering, besmirching hundreds of millions of Americans."

"Is there anything that Joe Biden — ask yourself, is there anything that he’s done well?" 

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