Hannity: Biden-Harris operating like 'authoritarian regime' by hiding border crisis, blocking media

A Biden administration staffer tried to block Sen. Ted Cruz from filming the conditions inside a holding facility.

The Biden-Harris administration is operating in the way an "authoritarian regime" would when it comes to the legal and humanitarian crisis on the southern border, Sean Hannity said in the opening of "Hannity" on Monday.

Hannity pointed especially to a young Biden administration staffer who stopped Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, while he was trying to document migrant children crammed into plexiglas cells inside one of the holding facilities. The staffer claimed Cruz was disregarding the migrants' "dignity" and "respect" by filming them.

Hannity played a clip of Cruz attempting to document the dire conditions in one migrant holding facility as the administration staffer repeatedly moved to stand in front of his camera.

"Attempting to block a U.S. Senator from performing basic oversight," the host remarked. "Another Biden official demanded that Cruz and his GOP colleagues delete all photos from their tour of these facilities -- this is something you would expect from an abusive authoritarian regime, not the United States of America."

"This is Joe Biden's unity and transparency," he said.

Cruz was joined by 17 other Republican senators, including John Hoeven of North Dakota, John Kennedy of Louisiana, Lindsey Graham of South Carolina, Cindy Hyde-Smith of Mississippi, and Tommy Tuberville of Alabama.

"[T]he crisis on the southern border is only getting worse thanks to Joe Biden and Kamala Harris," Hannity said. "Make no mistake this disaster unfolding on our nation's border was caused by Joe and Kamala's insane open borders policies."

Hannity said Biden and Harris set themselves up for a crisis by systematically undoing almost every Trump-era border security protocol that was working.

"Biden once accused Trump of putting 'kids in cages' and called his policies an 'all-out assault on human dignity', and 'immoral'," Hannity continued.

He noted however that it was President Obama and Vice President Biden who built the proverbial "cages" to hold illegal immigrants. 

"And now, thanks to Biden,there are more kids suffering in new 'Biden Cages' -- a picture speaks a thousand words, right Joe?" he said, pointing to imagery from Sens. Cruz and Thom Tillis, R-N.C. showing the tragic conditions the migrant children are being held in.


Hannity went on to rip CDC Director Rochelle Wallensky and Dr. Anthony Fauci for clamoring that the coronavirus pandemic will worsen once again, and demanding that American citizens jump through new regulatory hoops -- while making no mention of the exponentially larger infection rate among illegal migrants being released into the United States' interior under the Biden administration.

"They all want more draconian shutdowns for us -- especially Anthony Fauci -- who has been wrong about almost everything from day one... at the border... There's no testing., there's no social distancing, kids are literally stacked on top of each other in facilities operating at over 600% capacity -- where is the hysteria from the media mob? Because I can assure you that COVID is not taking a hiatus at the border."

Addressing Biden directly, Hannity countered: "You can blame Trump all you want. But you did this. You caused this crisis. And you are unable or unwilling to fix it," he said.

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