Gutfeld: CNN host Keilar's treatment of Rep. Donalds shows network 'becomes more racist everyday'

Donalds' office fired back at critics, saying that 'White liberals can't comprehend' Black conservatives

Co-hosts of "The Five," reacted to a tense interview between CNN's Brianna Keilar and Rep. Byron Donalds, R-Fla., after the Naples lawmaker was apparently refused entry into the Congressional Black Caucus (CBC). 

"[The media] doesn't want to talk about the issues. They don't want to talk about how to make life for Black America better," said co-host Lawrence Jones. ‘It’s fine if the Congressional Black Caucus doesn't want to invite him in. I think he should start his own caucus and invite new people in that believe in liberty." 

The caucus, founded in 1971, is currently chaired by Rep. Joyce Beatty, D-Ohio, and has only had a handful of Republican members over its existence.

During the CNN interview, Keilar argued that Donalds' support of President Donald Trump was one of the apparent dealbreakers with the caucus leadership.

Keilar claimed Donalds' take on the various voting rights bills in states such as Georgia and Texas – that they increase poll access for minorities – is "just not true" – and that his support for Trump may be "incongruent" with the position of the CBC.

Following the interview, Donalds' spokesman Harrison Fields told Fox News they expected Keilar to "set traps" for the congressman, and that "White liberals can’t comprehend how Black people could be Republicans, especially Trump supporters… [Keilar] also was obviously justifying the CBC for denying my boss, but that was also not a surprise."

Donalds also told Fox News on Thursday that he, unlike some critics, has 41-years of experience as a Black man in America, growing up in a single-parent household in Brooklyn and working his way up the socioeconomic ladder to becoming a U.S. congressman for southwest Florida.

On "The Five," co-host Greg Gutfeld remarked that Keilar went into the interview believing she would "eat [Donalds] alive like a plate of cicadas."

Earlier this week, Keilar indeed ate dead cicadas during a segment with Chef Bun Lai, prompting the Food & Drug Administration (FDA) to issue an advisory.

"CNN is becoming more racist every day. They believe that you can only be a certain kind of Black," Gutfeld continued. 

"And if you aren't, well, this very dismissive frowning White lady can pass judgment on you and run clips to make you feel like crap."


Jones added that Donalds has also spoken at length about his experience at Florida A&M, an HBCU, and that he "invests back into his community as a businessman."

"[Keilar] didn't bring that up or wanted to talk about that. What she did is what they always do – because apparently, Trump broke the media -- she played all these sound clips about the [former] president. But it wasn't even about that," said Jones.

"Meanwhile, [Democrats] are sitting in the middle of the rotunda kneeling with Kente cloths with Nancy Pelosi, but they're not challenging her on the policies that are coming out of Congress that are harmful to Black Americans," Jones continued. 

Fox News' Joseph Wulfsohn contributed to this report.

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