Gutfeld compares Biden's 'Ultra-MAGA' phrase to a loser choosing their own nickname

'It's definitely not Let's go Brandon, which was genius,' said Gutfeld

Fox News host Greg Gutfeld told viewers on Tuesday's "The Five," that President Biden has been "mistaken as the pilot" and Democrats need to "get him out" of the cockpit.   

GREG GUTFELD: You have Senator Scott, right, responding. And Senator Scott, this is like really harsh. It's even harsh by my standards. He said that Biden is incapacitated, incoherent, he's unwell, he's unfit, he's confused, he's incapable. Those are all the words Rick Scott used. And it's like somebody threw a can of paint on Biden and nobody's helping him wipe it off. It's like there's no responses to that. Biden just responded and said, Rick Scott's not well, but it's like nobody is bothering to defend him because all of those things could be argued persuasively. 


And I'm with you about this MAGA phrase. I think it shows how little game they have that no one's picking it up and they're just laughing at it. It's definitely not "Let's go Brandon," which was genius because of its subterfuge. And also, I mean, it's not visual like crooked Hillary. So anyway, it's like a loser who chooses their own nickname and nobody's picking it up. The problem with Joe is that Joe actually looks great in his suit. When he puts on the bomber jacket and the aviator glasses, he looks like the head of the airplane flight crew who's gotten mistaken as the pilot. You know, he should be welcoming the passengers and messing up the kid's hair and giving the little wings to the little girl. He should not be in the cockpit. And that's the problem. The Democrats have realized he's in the cockpit. You got to get him out. 


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