President Trump's legal team will prove during the course of the impeachment trial that he did nothing wrong, White House Press Secretary Stephanie Grisham said Friday.

Appearing on "America's Newsroom" with hosts Sandra Smith and Ed Henry, Grisham argued that while Senate Democrats continue to "scream 'impeachment,'" the president and his administration have "a very strong case and an excellent legal team that will come out over the next few days and show that he did absolutely nothing wrong."

Grisham said that the president, in his case, is trying to protect future presidents from "this type of abuse" and that she hoped the administration "can just get on with working for this country."


Most recently, House Judiciary Committee Chairman Rep. Jerrold Nadler, D-N.Y., Thursday accused the president of putting his own personal interests above national security and American democracy and charged that he is the only president in history to violate his oath of office so flagrantly.

“No president has ever used his office to compel a foreign nation to help him cheat in our elections -- prior presidents would be shocked to the core by such conduct and rightly so,” said Nadler. "It puts even President Nixon to shame."

Grisham, however, said Nadler's claims about the president's conduct were "absurd."

"They continue to be obsessed with getting this president out of office. Or, at the very least, affecting the next election," she said. "The facts are that they are the ones abusing their power. They are taking all of this time and going through all of this sham impeachment for something the president didn't do."

Grisham also noted that lead House manager Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Calif., said yesterday that the American people cannot trust the president to do anything right by this country.

"But," she retorted, "when you look at our economy, when you look at everything that he's doing for our country, that is absolutely just another one of his lies."

Echoing that sentiment, Grisham said that any previous on-the-record testimony during House proceedings was from people "just giving their opinions."


"Those people also admitted that he didn't do anything wrong and that there was no crime there. Those were just opinions by people who didn't' feel good about has policies. That's all that was, plain and simple," she stated.

Fox News’ Marisa Schultz, Mike Emanuel, Adam Shaw, and Hillary Vaughn contributed to this report.