Graham: If you don't like the trajectory of the country, vote in 2022

The South Carolina senator also slams bloated government unemployment assistance as holding the economy back

Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., told "Sunday Night in America" viewers that if they're dissatisfied with the direction of the country, it is vital they show their dissatisfaction by voting in 2022 midterms.

"In a democracy…everybody listening to this program tonight is a player, not just me," Graham said. "So if you think the country is going the wrong way, make sure you vote in 2022."

The South Carolina senator was asked by host Trey Gowdy about the hiring shortage as a growing number of states revive their work search requirements for anyone collecting unemployment benefits as part of a broader effort to bring out-of-work Americans back to their jobs

Graham told Gowdy that we learned, "if you pay somebody $23 an hour not to work, they'll take you up on it."


"My fear was that we're going to pay people more not to work than work and it would be hard to go back to work when the virus gets under control, and you see that happening today. I don't blame the people not going back to work," he said. "I blame the government for creating an incentive."

At least 36 states will now require anyone collecting jobless aid to also search for a job and provide evidence that they're doing so—a move applauded by small business owners like restaurants.  

Many of those states have also announced plans to prematurely cut off the sweetened unemployment aid included in President Biden's coronavirus relief package, which provided an extra $300 a week on top of regular state unemployment benefits. The supplemental benefit is not slated to expire until Sept. 6, 2021.


"This wasn't rocket science. Everybody was well-meaning at first, the pandemic shut down the entire economy for tourism," Graham said. " We suffered at home. I don't mind paying people unemployment benefits when they were put out of work at no fault of their own but the benefits package. But this, was far more than you're making at work and that created a problem and we're going to get through this."

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