Gov. Abbott demands Mexico step up and stop illegal border crossings: There will be economic consequences

This is a meaningful step to reduce illegal immigration into Texas: Gov. Abbott

Gov. Greg Abbott, R-Texas, joined "Tucker Carlson Tonight" Thursday to discuss his plan to curb illegal border crossings coming across the Mexico border into Texas.

GOV. GREG ABBOTT: What we’ve done is we implemented what we call enhanced safety inspections of every commercial vehicle coming across the border from Mexico into the state of Texas. It had the predictable result, and that is it snarled traffic for miles in Mexico, basically crushing economic conditions in these states as well as in the country of Mexico, and having severe economic consequences for businesses in Mexico. The predictable result is that these governors of states that are connected to Texas would be knocking on our door begging for relief. As they beg for relief, we are demanding that they implement security measures that will reduce illegal immigration coming across the border. 


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