Glenn Ellmers tells Tucker Carlson ‘conservatism’ is no longer enough: ‘What’s left to conserve?’

Ellmers joins Fox Nation's 'Tucker Carlson Today' to reveal hidden details on freedom in the Declaration of Independence

The Claremont Institute’s Glenn Ellmers takes a deep dive into modern-day politics on the newest episode of Fox Nation’s "Tucker Carlson Today," and argues that conservatism is not what it used to be.

"The conservative movement, in a way, has really let people down," he said. "Conservatism… is no longer even the right paradigm to think about these days… So much has gone, so many of our institutions have been captured by the bad guys… What’s left to conserve?"

Ellmers went on to explain that the Declaration of Independence, when read closely, is a "radical and revolutionary" document with language that might not fly in today’s world. In the details of the declaration, he exposed that it states government exists solely to protect those who are governed.


"If people feel that the government is not protecting their rights, they have, according to the declaration, both a right and a duty to overthrow or alter that government and institute something that they think will do a better job at protecting their rights," he said.

But the Left has aimed to delegitimize speech surrounding this kind of revolutionary action, Ellmers said, and, instead, use hysteria as a tool to distract from an alternative agenda. As an example, the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol.

"What happens when government becomes illegitimate? What happens when the people feel like they’re being tyrannized?" he asked. "More and more the ruling class wants to deem certain language, certain topics off-limits."

New episodes of "Tucker Carlson Today" are available every Monday, Wednesday and Friday exclusively on Fox Nation. Join Fox Nation today to watch Tucker's full interview with Scott Yenor and other great episodes.


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