The Girl Guides of Canada scouting organization has officially announced a new name for its "Brownies" branch, renaming the group in an effort to become more "inclusive" after some raised concerns about the name being offensive. 

The organization announced Wednesday it would officially change the "Brownies" name to "Embers" in order to create a more "inclusive" organization for all young girls in Canada. 

"We are excited to reveal that this branch will now be called Embers," Jill Zelmanovits, CEO of Girl Guides of Canada, said in a press release Wednesday. "After hearing from our girl, youth and adult members, it was resoundingly clear that this was the preferred choice. We can’t wait to keep bringing the magic of Girl Guides to girls ages 7 and 8, now with the name Embers."


Girl Guides of Canada is a founding member of the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts and was founded in 1910. The "Brownie" branch of Girl Guides teaches outdoor safety and other life skills to girls ages 7-8.

Zelmanovits announced in November the organization would be changing the name "Brownies" after some critics suggested during the pandemic that the term causes harm to girls. 

Girl Guides in Canada

Former Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper greets local Girl Guides after arriving in Whitehorse, Yukon, August 18, 2013. Harper is taking part in his annual tour of Northern Canada. REUTERS/Chris Wattie  (REUTERS/Chris Wattie )

"We heard from several members and former members that the name Brownies has caused them personal harm, so we are changing the name of this branch to further remove barriers for belonging for racialized girls and women," she said. 

She also reiterated the importance of advocating diversity, equity and inclusion to encompass all young girls in Canada. 


"This wasn’t just about a name or its origin," Zelmanovits said in Wednesday's press release. "This was about the fact that girls experienced racism and felt that they weren’t welcome in Girl Guides." 

"We heard from many current and former members and even members of the public who understood why we had to make this change," she continued. "Over the last couple of months, families have signed up with Girl Guides for the first time because changing this name means Girl Guides is more inclusive for their daughters."

"Embers" will officially take effect in September, but Girl Guides will begin using the name on websites and other resources ahead of time. 

Fox News' Emma Colton contributed to this report.