Gingrich: Romney more concerned about Trump than Democrats' ‘un-American’ impeachment inquiry

Former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich on Tuesday told Fox News host Sean Hannity that he wished Sen. Mitt Romney, R-Utah, would attack Democrats as freely as he attacks President Trump.

“I would be more tolerant of Mitt Romney’s concerns about Trump if he was equally strong in his condemnation of House Democrats,” he said, noting Democrats' “un-American” impeachment inquiry. “Somehow he every once in a while shows up, says something bad about Trump, gets some press coverage, and I think that’s sad.”

Gingrich said Romney, the 2012 Republican presidential nominee, is “smarter than that” and he has “greater potential than that.”

“Maybe give us some balance,” he said. “This is not all occurring in isolation.”

Romney earlier this week noted he still voted with Trump 80 percent of the time.

Trump and Romney have feuded with regularity in recent years, with Trump regularly referencing Romney’s 2012 defeat against incumbent President Barack Obama.

A few weeks back, Trump branded Romney a "pompous 'a--'" who "choked" in his own run for the White House.

"Somebody please wake up Mitt Romney," the president tweeted. "If Mitt worked this hard on Obama, he could have won. Sadly, he choked!"

Gingrich doesn’t ever take Romney’s side.


“The truth is I don’t pay attention to Mitt Romney. I don’t think Mitt Romney matters in the long run of American political history,” Gingrich told Fox News host Laura Ingraham on Monday. “He certainly does not matter in a Donald Trump Republican Party. I think he is a fossilized element of a party that is disappearing.”

Gingrich made the remarks in reaction to a piece published in The Atlantic on Sunday titled “The Liberation of Mitt Romney.” The story detailed how the seasoned Utah senator now considers himself free of party constraints and instead, if necessary to secure his legacy, would consider a vote in favor of impeaching Trump.

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